Prospect Hill, Waltham MA : 2-Apr-2022   11:00 am
  ( A previous trip from four years ago, this time won't be so cold)

It's time to get our happy feet into the woods again!  Let's go up to the
great Boston views at the top of Prospect Hill, on Saturday April 2.  We'll
meet at 11:00 AM in the generous parking lot at the north end of the park.
It is on Totten Pond Road about a half-mile east of the interchange with
I-95/128.  The lot is at about 42.3965,-71.2511.  Be aware that the
parking lot entrance comes up suddenly on the right, on the inside of a curve
going downhill so it's hard to see well in advance -- try to approach slowly.

I expect that the hike will be between 2 and 3 miles, with a decent uphill
climb at the start.  Terrain is variable, and the access roads around the
water tanks near the top might be a bit gravelly -- this one probably isn't
for beginning barefooters, but backup footwear for rough stretches is an
optional personal choice.  Bring water, optional lunch, and insect repellent --
the ticks are already out!  The weather for Saturday is looking pretty good.

_H*   220402 and beyond