What is this icon for?
It means "Bare Feet are Great!". Like its precursor, it can passively serve to welcome barefooters, assuring those entering a particular space that no one needs shoes on to be there. And a "thumbs up" implies a more positive attitude than simply "OK". It's a simple graphic intended for a sign, a sticker, a flag, a web image, or any other display where someone wishes to show their acceptance and appreciation for the unshod lifestyle and its benefits to our health and well-being. The icon can indicate a place where footwear is optional, and where all members of the public, shod or otherwise, are equally welcome and respected. Specific signs of this sort are a concept, and should really be unnecessary in a truly enlightened society. But with shoes so explicitly called out as they are now, this can be a useful transition tool -- a much more friendly replacement for the archaic "no service" nonsense we still see here and there, providing a sensible and positive statement for the greater good.
Human feet are inherently strong and capable, and modern medical science shows that we should be letting them work for us as intended. "Barefooting" continues to gain social traction, so to speak, as a simple choice in our personal day-to-day living -- just like hairstyles, body art, jewelry, and hats.
There is absolutely nothing wrong about not wearing shoes. (Disagree? Read on.)
Outdated sixties-era prejudice causes many people to think otherwise, that going barefoot is unsanitary, unsafe, illegal, indecent, or too weird. Or that places of business are somehow liable for their customers' feet. None of that is true, and the persistent mythology and brainwashing against bare feet has never had any basis in reality, science, logic, or law. If you don't believe that then here are some links to help set you straight, but you have to do your part and READ their content. The truth is out there -- living without shoes is not just a "hippie thing" anymore, it needs to become more mainstream because it's good for us.
[See this update about the Barefoot is Legal group.]
Many other resources and facts can be found by searching for a few
simple pairs of words.
Just combine "barefoot" with just about any other word describing the
frequently voiced concerns or excuses, and you'll get a surprising amount
of information on the physiological benefits of losing the shoes:
health barefoot liability barefoot barefoot safety barefoot running fitness barefoot training barefoot classroom barefoot
Read our Guidelines for Merchants and Venues to help protect your organization from legal risks. Discriminating against patrons or forcing them into a compromised situation exposes you to more liability in some unexpected ways, so you are better off simply leaving them be. Find out why, and what you can do.
Presenting a more welcoming public stance in these changing times is simple and low-cost. High-resolution, print-ready sign artwork is available here, and can be customized for any preferred layout or form factor. Places of business which cling to unfounded worries about liability can also display "(at patron's own risk)" or the like, but there's no real-life legal need for such statements.
Use the contact link below for further inquiries; we are here to help.
Spread the truth!
You can print cards
for this site, and give them to people who aren't aware
of the facts.
Reflective logo patches
can be generated on vinyl cutting equipment.
Here's a short site history page on what motivates this, including some alternate [but discarded] ideas for public signage.
This site also hosts the Meetup-exodus repository of the Eastern Mass Barefoot Hikers group. Activity moved to this plus a Google Group in early 2022, not that much useful "activity" has really occurred since. That's partially my bad for not posting and executing more group outings.
In the meantime, in 2023 we also had a few laughs and strategy games at the expense of the AMC because they totally earned it, until that relationship turned *really* sour. I wrapped up that year by leading several hikes for the Friends of the Fells, where there was no animosity about my chosen footwear.
Here's a poignant essay that a fellow barefooter sent to a mailing list I'm on, digging into several possible reasons why there is so much social dislike of being barefoot. It boils down to human gullibility, denial of our basic nature, and greed.
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